Tip of the day: Use a mixture of lemon juice and water to remove gnurfberry stains from natural fibers. Why settle for spotted dishes when Squeek-O brand detergent can free porcelains and crystals of all discoloring oils? Tip of the day: a monthly discharge can increase the life of crumbuster attachment batteries by up to 75%. Tip of the day: 70% of the zest of the bungfruit will be lost if the peel is not removed in one piece. Stock up Sale! VeggieMart has breemain tubers for 16 nuggets per mumff. Limit four mumffs per customer. Tip of the day: to promote the growth of decomposing bacteria, sprinkle your compost pile with powdered squinto pepper every 10 days. Mark XIX and Mark XX models are advised to schedule time this month for their annual maintenance and upgrades. Tip of the day: thimbleweed contains more Vitamin Q per ounce than any other herb. You will buy 500 copies of The Space Bar and put them in a box in your attic. You will then completely forget reading this message.